Published: 16/07/2018
Brewers Decorating Centres, the UK's leading supplier of paint and decorating materials have acquired the final 3,000 sq.ft trade unit on the highly popular and successful Honeywood Trade Park, Dover.Acting on behalf of TradeMarq, RAB Commercial have let the final trade unit to Brewers Decorating Centres. The letting completes the 100% sale or letting of units on Honeywood Trade Park, Dover. Other lettings or sales have completed with Eurocell, Action Carpets, Subway and Lokn'Store.
The trade units on Honeywood Trade Park, Dover are open to the trade and public.
RAB Commercial specialise in the sale and letting of all types on commercial property in Kent, Surrey, London and the South East.
For more information please contact :
Richard Braysher
(t) 020 3751 2775
(m) 07788 274312