Published: 18/06/2024
What’s happening on the Redhill Station Site? RAB Commercial Property consider the latest planning application by developer Solum, and its impact on Redhill Town Centre.RAB Commercial Property is an independent firm of chartered surveyors with over 35 years experience letting, selling and acquiring retail shops, offices and warehouse units in Redhill and across Surrey and the southeast. So, if you are seeking expert commercial property letting or sales advice in Redhill or the surrounding area, you're in safe hands.
Planning Application 23/00572/F was originally submitted to Reigate & Banstead Borough Council in 2023 and has been subsequently amended, leading to the following revised application in February 2024. The planning application has been validated and is out for public consultation, which ends on 3rd July 2024. The planning application which is proving hugely controversial proposes the following.
"Phased redevelopment of Site A comprising up to 255 residential dwellings (Class C3 Use) in two buildings ranging from 10-15 storeys and 7-14 storeys, associated car parking, cycle parking, flexible Class E uses at ground floor, demolition / refurbishment and extension to the existing Site A station entrance building with concourse. Demolition of vacant buildings associated with station on Site B. Replacement surface station car park and cycle parking and taxi drop off on Site B with a refurbished and extended Site B station entrance. Together with new public realm, hard and soft landscaping, improvements, new access and service arrangements, plant, substation and associated works across Site A and Site B. As amended on 12/07/2023, 10/11/2023 and 14/02/2024."

Solum, which is a joint venture vehicle between Keir Developments and Network Rail have submitted an amended planning application for the refurbishment of Redhill Train Station and two residential blocks of between 10-15 storeys and 7-14 storeys. The planning application proposes a total of 255 new residential apartments together with a range of commercial uses on ground floor and remodelled station entrance and car park.
By way of background to the current planning application, Solum have been seeing to redevelop Redhill Train Station for over 10 years. Early applications included a mixed-use residential / commercial scheme anchored by Waitrose. This proposal hit the buffers when Sainsburys secured planning permission opposite and Waitrose pulled the plug as Redhill could not support another food superstore. RAB Commercial Property were also representing Asda on another mixed-use scheme on Cromwell Road, which also never happened for the same reason.
During the course of 2023, Solum submitted various plans to Reigate & Banstead Borough Council for an even higher 280 residential development, which following consultation has been modified resulting in the current planning application submitted in March 2024.

This is a significant planning application that if approved / developed will dominate the Redhill skyline and change the town for ever. The scale and bulk of the development is significantly greater than the adjacent Picture House development on Market Field Way which is 11 storeys.
Affordable housing is a hot topic in Redhill, where the majority local residents don't want more private apartments and an influx of more people putting a strain on already stretched services Local Redhill residents are demanding more affordable homes for local families at prices they can afford. Solum contend that the development will provide much needed housing to meet the Council’s need for an additional 460 new homes by 2027.
The commercial element to the proposed scheme is relatively small and proposes a flexible range of Class E uses on ground floor level.
Parking is always an issue with town centre redevelopment schemes. Solum propose retaining the majority of existing car parking spaces whilst adding an additional 27 spaces arguing that the existing public transport network will support the scheme. With only 10% of the proposed residential element having a car parking space there will be problems in our considered opinion. The existing train station car park is already at capacity.
The main entrance to Redhill Train Station will be covered providing a colonnade walkway to Princess Way pedestrian crossing and Redhill town centre.
As at 18th June 2024, there were 1,753 public comments to the planning application with the vast majority objections. Redhill residents main objections are as follows.
- Inappropriate scale / density
- Poor design
- Visual eyesore
- Lack of affordable housing
- insufficient parking
- Lack of public services such as GP's, Dentists, Schools etc to support the development
- Congestion
RAB Commercial Property offer retained clients an exceptionally high quality letting and sales service with great results.
Marketing warehouse units, shops and offices to let is not limited to producing marketing details, fixing a "To Let" board and listing on a website. The market has moved on. We offer clients aerial drone footage and internal fly throughs. Have a look at the aerial footage of a 16,700 sq.ft warehouse unit RAB Commercial Property are selling on the popular Holmethorpe Industrial Estate, Redhill, Surrey RH1. This equally applies to letting.
If you are thinking of appointing a commercial property agent to let or rent your commercial property and you're seeking some initial letting advice, then give us a call or send us an email for a free consultation.
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Richard A Braysher BSc MRICS
Managing Director
(m) 07788 274312
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